Easy Happy Nest
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Helena Mantese

Postpartum doula



I am a postpartum doula with over twenty years of child care/doula experience with children ranging in age from infants to eight years. As a postpartum doula, I provide professional non-medical assistance for parents and their babies including support and training in: breastfeeding, newborn care, baby massage, facilitating bonding, caring for the mother after the birth, the mother’s postpartum emotions, changing family relationships, early parenting, postpartum nutrition, and nanny selection and training.

I am a healthy and energetic person who has proven experience handling the physical and emotional demands of caring for infants, toddlers, twins and triplets. I am committed to a high level of excellence and am referred to by clients as loving, nurturing, patient, gentle but firm, creative and fun. I am proud of my reputation for being organized, responsible and reliable.