Easy Happy Nest
Discover all the places in the San Francisco Bay Area for your kids


Hello, I am Aurelie, a French mom of two, living in the Bay Area.

When I arrived in the Bay Area, nearly 10 years ago I was lucky enough to quickly become friends with a lot of expat moms that were also new to the area. I watched them having to figure out schools, activities, medical care, and all the billions of things you have to manage when you are a parent of young kids moving to a new country. I didn’t have kids at the time but I was hoping to become a mom soon so I decided to compile a list of family-friendly places and activities that would be easy to use for them and ultimately for myself. This was the start of Easy Happy Nest.

Soon after that, I welcomed my first child. Becoming a mom turned my world upside down but I was lucky to have all these experienced mom friends around me and several of them even had kids at the same time as me. Thanks to this, I learned a lot from them and it helped me feel like I wasn’t alone and belonged to a mom group.

When my second child turned three, I felt that I was finding some stability in my life again and that I finally had enough time to really launch Easy Happy Nest. My goal is to help other parents, as my friends did for me, by sharing places and activities, but also by sharing stories of other families, because I believe reading about other parents' experiences can be really interesting and inspiring.