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Alicia Contreras

HypnoBirthing® Doula, and HypnoBirthing® educator



Meet Alicia, a passionate Professional HypnoBirthing® Doula, and HypnoBirthing® educator since 2013. With her extensive experience caring for dozens of births, she has supported women to experience the magical processes of pregnancy and childbirth in a gentle and empowering way.

Alicia's dedication extends beyond her profession as she has also been serving as a volunteer Birth Doula in the Marin Community Clinic since 2019, supporting moms in vulnerable conditions.

Recently, she finished her certification as a Prenatal Bonding (BA) Facilitator. This program is a one-on-one constant accompaniment that promotes a deep prenatal parents-baby bond, supports the maternal transformation process, and satisfies the unborn Baby's primary need to be accepted and loved, to be given security and protection, and above all to be securely attached to enable, what she calls, "trans-generational harmony".