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Thrive Maternal Care

Improve Your Pelvic Health inPregnancy & Postpartum. Confidently heal bladder, bowel, and pelvic pain issues in order to feel comfortable during everyday activities.



Isabel started Thrive Maternal Care after years of navigating her own postpartum challenges and trying to find support. She is a licensed occupational therapist who is passionate about pelvic health and helping moms reduce postpartum overwhelm.

Before specializing in pelvic health and maternal mental health, her professional background includes a decade working in pediatrics - working with families in early intervention, home-based therapy and sensory-based clinics.

Isabel graduated from San Jose State University in 2008 with her Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy. She has gone on to continue her training to include:

Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (PCES)

Certified Perinatal Mental Health Professional (PMH-C)

Pelvic Rehabilitation -Manual Assessment & Treatment Techniques

Holistic Treatments of the Pregnant & Postpartum Body

Myofascial Mobilizations

Herman & Wallace 2A: Colorectal and coccyx conditions

A multitude of courses on child development, attachment, sensory integration, behavioral challenges, neurodiversity and emotional regulation

Isabel lives in the South Bay with her husband, two kids and pets. She loves karaoke, cheering her kids on, traveling, and listening to books/podcasts.