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Sutter Health Pelvic Floor and Incontinence Therapy

Incontinence and pelvic floor problems can be a sensitive subject for anyone. Physical therapists in the Sutter Health network provide caring services that can help restore proper function and improve your confidence.



Pelvic pain and urinary or bowel incontinence are common concerns, but there’s no reason to suffer in silence. In the Sutter Health network, doctors and physical therapists work together to create effective treatment plans to improve your symptoms.

Individual sessions with a caring physical therapist allow you learn personalized techniques to restore the strength and flexibility of your pelvic muscles, help with impaired sexual function, reduce chronic pelvic pain and control urinary or bowel leakage.

Our services include:

Biofeedback to help you learn to identify and control your pelvic floor muscles.
Bladder and bowel retraining exercises and behavioral modification techniques.
Bladder and pelvic floor muscle training exercises, such as Kegel exercises.
Electrical stimulation, which utilizes a gentle electrical current to contract your bladder or anal muscles.
Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, which can treat overactive bladder problems by delivering a mild electrical impulse to the nerves that control your bladder.
Referrals to urogynecology for medical or surgical intervention.
Vaginal dilator therapy, which can help reduce vaginal pain.